Rare Botryoidal Purple Fluorite on Matrix from Minggang Mine, Henan, China
Dimension: 7.6cm x 5.8cm x 2.3cm
Weight: 127g
Locality: Minggang Mine, Shihe District, Xinyang Prefecture, Henan Province, China
This gorgeous and unusual Fluorite is from a small find that emerged from China some years back and shocked the mineral collecting world. I was lucky to get the best of them - there was not a lot around and specimens of this kind are now very hard to find.
Botryoidal Fluorites are rare from anywhere and specimen of such intensely rich purple color (with a hue of blue) and quality is very exciting to see. This specimen boasts rolling lustrous surfaces over rounded bubbly purple spheres showcasting in layers, outstanding! The translucent Fluorite glows a luscious intense lavender under good light with a satiny luster. It is incredibly clean and free of contacts or surface abrasions. A highly representative two-sided piece of the rare species and find.
Fluorite's Maintenance Advice:
Fluorite is extremely susceptible to sunlight, some colours fade slower than others, but they all fade under sunlight. The effect also happens under normal halogen light. Therefore keep Fluorite in a darker part of the home, away from direct sunlight unless it needs to be cleansed and charged. To cleanse and charge Fluorite, just pop it on a windowsill out of direct sunlight or even on a cloudy day for 10 minutes. If it doesn't feel like that is enough, you can use reiki or sound too.