Gem Apophyllite with Rainbow Color from Savada, Jalgaon District, India
Dimension: 14.7cm x 12cm x 7cm
Weight: 898g
Locality: Savada, Dharangaon Taluka, Jalgaon District, Maharashtra Province, India
A group of sharp, outstanding crystals of extremely gemmy and transparent Apophyllite from Savada, Jalgaon District, Maharashtra Province, India. Apophyllite of this quality and size is not often seen before and the largest Apophyllite point is of 7cm x 3.6cm x 3.6cm in size, magnificient! The Apophyllite crystals have exceedingly high internal brightness and lustrous surfaces, gemminess with pointed and tapered terminations packed with rainbow color. A world-class and visually entrancing specimen from this famous locale!